Chronology of Reports and Key Events
Vocational education & training
Year | Fed/State govt | Publication | Concept |
1974 | ALP | TAFE in Australia: Report on needs in technical and further education (Kangan Report) Chair: Myer Kangan Australian Committee on Technical and Further Education (ACOTAFE) | Report establishes the modern TAFE system as we know it today. It focused on meeting industry-employer needs in a changing economy as well as community and individual student needs. |
1987 | ALP | Skills for Australia John Dawkins (Minister for Employment, Education & Training 1987-1991) Clyde Holding (Minister Employment Services And Youth Affairs (1987) | Introduced the concepts: - Market for training - Competency-based training |
1989 | ALP | Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS), an income contingent student loan scheme introduced. Succeeded in 2005 by the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) | |
1990 | ALP | Training Costs of Award Restructuring (Deveson Review) Ivan Deveson | TAFE commercialisation Open training market Market barrier concept Private providers encouraged |
1991 | ALP | Economic Rationalism in Canberra Michael Pusey | Critical of the commercialisation and marketisation of the Commonwealth public sector |
1992 | ALP | Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) established to develop and promote a national vocational education and training (VET) system. | |
1993 | ALP | National Competition Policy (Hilmer Report) Fred Hilmer, Chair National Competition Policy Review | Contestability concept throughout Microeconomic reform National consistency for competition regulation Competitive neutrality (business activities of state organisations) Public benefit test Third party access |
1994 | ALP | Successful Reform Vince FitzGerald Allen Consulting Group ANTA | Competency-Based Training Demand-side training market focus User Buys system User choice National skill pool |
1994 | ALP | Establishing an Effective Australian Training Market Allen Consulting Group | Contested markets Decrease central control Competitive tendering of training funds created contested funding market contested |
1995 | ALP | GATS: General Agreement on Trade in Services World Trade Organization (WTO) | Sets up framework for all subsequent trade & investment agreements based on international contestable markets concept, breaking down barriers to: labour mobility foreign direct investment (FDI) services goods |
1998 | Lib-Nat | TAFE Directors Australia established as the regulator for the sector | |
1999 | Lib-Nat | National Evaluation of User Choice: Report to ANTA KPMG | Concluded that overall User Choice was positive Students did not engage with User Choice as much as employers |
1999 | Lib-Nat | Submission to the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations Small Business and Education Committee ANTA Board | Inquiry into the quality of vocational education and training in Australia User choice. The concept of ‘choice’ in the education context was criticised by former MLA Dr John Kaye who regarded the concept of choice as being predicated on the existence of a market. Today there is a market, but as the public sector contracts within that market, the choice of course offerings have also contracted. |
2001 | Lib-Nat | User Choice: Experience Since 1998 Chris Selby Smith Fran Ferrier | Enterprises wanted choice of training provider Contestability aided User Choice |
2005 | Lib-Nat | Review of National Competition Policy Reforms Productivity Commission | Anti-competitive conduct provisions in Trade Practices Act apply to government businesses and unincorporated enterprises
Structural reforms:
-separate out contestable elements from govt monopolies OR create separate businesses from contestable elements
- third-party access to natural monopolies in essential services - competitive neutrality - corporatised governance structures in government enterprises - retail contestability in utilities like electricity - contestability concept throughout |
2005 | Lib-Nat | Trading Places: The Impact and Outcome of Market Reform in VET Damon Anderson | Market reform has not improved quality in TAFE Cream skimming Adverse consequences for the public interest Contestability |
2005 | Lib-Nat | Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) established replacing HECS | |
2006 | Lib-Nat | Residential Property Trust launched. The managing entity of this Trust is Fortuna Funds Management Pty Ltd. Former Labor Minister John Dawkins is a director on the board. | Ascalon Capital Managers, part of St George bought into the group in 2005. In 2009 Westpac buys out Ascalon. In August 2016 Ascalon (a hedge fund) announced it would acquire equity in “Seyon Asset Management Ltd a Pan-Asian multi-strategy hedge fund based in Hong Kong.” |
2006 | Lib-Nat | TVET Australia Pty Ltd established. This was a ministerial company owned by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers of Vocational and Technical Education established. It was wound up in 2011 by Chairman John Dawkins. Its basic role was to provide support to ‘stakeholders’ in the VET sector including private providers. Patrick McKendry Chairman 2006-2009 | |
2006 | Lib-Nat | Careers Australia Pty Ltd registered with ASIC Managing Director: Patrick McKendry | |
2006 | Lib-Nat | TAFE Futures: An Inquiry into the Future of Technical and Further Education in Australia Peter Kell Australian Education Union | Report sounds warnings about the future of TAFE on the current policy trajectory
- poor resource levels - fees and charges risk access opportunities - students and employers satisfied with TAFE - ‘second chance’ education provision at risk |
2006 | Lib-Nat NSW ALP | The Complete Package: The Value of TAFE NSW Allen Consulting Group | Macroeconomic modelling: “assess TAFE NSW’s value by identifying the loss to the entire NSW economy if TAFE NSW funding withdrawn.” :- - private providers take up some “fee for service training provided by TAFE NSW” - “total student fees would increase by 50%” - “reduction in the number of people with particular recognised formal skills” - “decline in average wages around 1%” - “a less skilled workforce will reduce productivity, which in turn will result in a significant decline in the output of a number of industries” |
2007 | Lib-Nat | VET FEE-HELP established. Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) for students doing diploma or graduate certificate vocational education courses | |
2007 | Lib-Nat | Skilling Australia’s Workforce 2005–08 Mid-Term Review Boston Consulting Group | Contestability Recommends national competitive market |
2007 | Lib-Nat | Forecasting Future Demands Sue Richardson Yan Tan NCVER | Claims you can’t plan using forecasting techniques, instead the labour market should be used to match skills with demand. Vocational skills |
2007 | Lib-Nat | Consortium - Supporting Vocational Education and Training Providers in Building Capability for the Future Roger Harris (ed) Berwyn Clayton Clive Chappell | Providers need to build networks and partnerships Over regulation a problem |
2008 | ALP | Learning for Jobs: OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training
Kathrin Hoeckel et al OECD | Contestable market for training Labour market needs Skills needs Focus - competence rather than course duration Work-based learning Signalling job skills to employers Competence-based models Internationalisation |
2009 | ALP | Competition in the Training Market
Tom Karmel (eds) Francesca Beddie Susan Dawe | “‘Competition’ and ‘contestability’ are now part of the vocational education and training (VET) lexicon” |
2010 | ALP | Mid-term Review National Part Agreement, Productivity Places Program Allen Consulting Group | Contestability |
2010 | ALP | Building Capability in Vocational Education and Training Providers: The TAFE Cut Hugh Guthrie Berwyn Clayton | Contestability |
2010 | ALP | The Future of VET F. Beddie (ed) P Curtin (ed) | Contestability |
2011 | ALP | Competitive tendering and contestable funding in VET Allen Consulting Group | Contestability |
2011 | ALP | Vocational Education and Training Workforce Productivity Commission | -market forces allocation of VET services, -principles, user pays and user choice increasingly -greater managerial independence for public providers to respond. opening up of the VET sector had not been a complete success … concerns about quality assurance, monitoring and enforcement (especially in the international student sector). P 40 |
2011 | ALP | COAG Reform Agenda: Report on Progress COAG Reform Council | |
2011 | ALP | Report on Competitive Tendering in VET Bob Walker Betty Walker NSW Teachers Federation | Quasi-competition “(the illusion of) 'competition'” Lack of evaluation data Competitive neutrality distorts TAFE costings Cream skimming Public interest objectives not met Loss of quality from competitive tendering |
2012 | ALP | Valuing Skills: Why Vocational Training Matters Chris Stone Centre for Policy Development (CPD) | Contestability forcing up costs for TAFE
TAFE has significant social benefit Deregulation has not resulted in skill shortages being met Role of TAFE as “full service provider” being undermined |
2012 | ALP | HELP student loans scheme extended to VET sector (VET FEE-HELP) | |
2013 | ALP NSW Lib-Nat | Pricing VET under Smart and Skilled (NSW only) | Contestability Deregulate student fees in 2018 |
2013 | ALP | Seamless National Economy: Final report on performance COAG Reform Council | |
2013 | ALP | Contestable Funding in the VET Sector Ahmed Hamdhan The Greens | Adverse impact on TAFE fulfilling its role as public provider and provisioning areas of skills shortages Critical of: Contestability & User Choice |
2013 | ALP | Future Focus: Workforce Development Strategy Philip Bullock, Chair | Lift barriers Networks |
2014 | Lib-Nat | Employment and Skills Strategies in Australia: OECD Reviews on Local Job Creation | |
2014 | Lib-Nat | Doubtful Debt Andrew Norton Grattan Institute | Student bad debt re HELP scheme $13 bill by 2017 Recommends: asset contingent HELP repayment for estates over $100,000, meaning that estates have to pay back a student’s loan upon their death. This could open up a private loans market as there is now collateral to secure the loans. Report does not mention sub-prime student loans (loans to people unlikely to complete courses). |
2014 | Lib-Nat | Case Study of Reform in the Federation Ivan FitzGerald & Peter Noonan | Beware of changes to the Australian Constitution |
2014 | Lib-Nat | The Implications of Economic and Financial Trends and Globalisation for the Demand and Supply for Skills David Gruen | Globalisation Workforce participation rates correlate to education levels |
2015 | Lib-Nat NSW Lib-Nat | NSW Auditor-General’s Report. Performance Audit: Vocational Education and Training Reform | Audit of VET Smart and Skilled framework
- Tick of approval - Need more contestability and student choice |
2015 | Lib-Nat | Australia’s Skills Reform Journey: The Case for VET Reform and Progress To-Date ACIL Allen Australian Council for Private Education and Training | Contestability successful.
Income contingent loans (HELP) successful.
HELP scheme a solution to ‘ineffective capital markets’ - caused by the absence of saleable collateral for private lenders and high collection costs. Recommends ending death debt write-off on loans & introducing asset contingent HELP repayment scheme for estates over $100,000. Debtor estates could become the collateral needed for the private loans market to take off. In 2014 Norton (Grattan Institute) recommends same. |
2015 | Lib-Nat | The Capture of Public Wealth by the for-profit VET Sector: Report Prepared for the Australian Education Union
Serena Yu Damian Oliver Workplace Research Centre, University of Sydney Business School | Report critical of the cost to taxpayers of government funding to the for-profit VET sector and the failure of demand driven contestable funding to deliver reform objectives. - skills shortages not matched by course - disadvantaged students not catered - students vulnerable to uncapped course fees - profit providers are complex and hard to regulate |
2015 | Lib-Nat | Competition Policy Review (Harper Review) Ian Harper, Chair | “government should not be a substitute for the private sector where … contestability can be realised” Increase in contestability requires TAFE to ‘compete on a more neutral basis’ Harper sees competitive neutrality in place were competition policy ‘has yet to reach’ Recommends: govt compliance statement |
2015 | Lib-Nat | Building a Sustainable Funding Model for Higher Education in Australia Peter Noonan | No mention of contestable funding Market issues: -competitive neutrality -3rd party access to public infrastructure -deal with near monopoly supply issues (medicine, vet science, dentistry) |
2015 | Lib-Nat | ‘Vocation collapses, 150 people lose jobs, 10,000 students in limbo’ SMH 30 November 2015 | Vocation Ltd enters voluntary administration Subsidiary companies Bawm and Aspin closed by regulator following quality breaches Former Labor Minister John Dawkins was the chairman of Vocation, an ASX listed company, when it was established. |
2015 | Lib-Nat | ‘Vocational education crisis: AIPE college paid $1 million a graduate’ SMH 9 December 2015 | Australian Institute of Professional Education signing up students to government student loans who have few prospects of completing courses. In October 2016 ASIC accuse them of rorting student loans. |
2015 | Lib-Nat | ‘Acquire Learning misled vulnerable students, says ACCC’ SMH 17 December 2015 | Sub-prime student loans |
2015 | Lib-Nat | Australia signs the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) | The TPP changes everything. Vocational education is no longer a domestic market – it is a Asia-Pacific regional market enabling, investors, providers, teachers, administrative staff and students to move freely within the region. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | VET Funding in Australia Peter Noonan | No mention of contestable funding Calls for national qualifications benchmark price Extend VET FEE-HELP to all nationally funded VET qualifications TAFE funding allowable under the competitive neutrality doctrine |
2016 | Lib-Nat | “Australia’s training system is in crisis, but there’s a way out” The Australian. 17 February 2016, | Article by Innes Willox CEO of the Australian Industry Group (AIG) |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘College collapses creates chaos for students’ The Age 11 February 2016 | Aspire College of Education, The Design Works College of Design and the Australian Indigenous College and the National Training & Development and RTO Services Group placed in voluntary administration. These businesses are run by Global Intellectual Holdings also in administration. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Education Provider Ashley Services crashes to $67m loss’ SMH 24 February 2016 | Ashley Services is an ASX listed company Former Labor Minister, Simon Crean director on Ashley’s board. Class action against company |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Collapsed training college owners had long-term plan to escape sector, paid themselves $20m’ ABC 7:30 Report 14 March 2016 | Company set up to scam taxpayers through ‘study now pay later’ student loans scheme |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Fitlink training college collapses leaving thousands of fitness students stranded’ ABC News 31 March 2016 | Companies Fitlink Australia and Traincorp Operations placed into liquidation. The director, property developer Tim Boman is also CEO of |
2016 | Lib-Nat NSW Lib-Nat | The NSW Vocational Education and Training Market and TAFE NSW's Competitive Position Within It Boston Consulting Group | The report claims that TAFE will find it difficult to compete in a contestable education market due to its high fixed costs, that is cost of land & buildings. This is the economic argument for the sell-off of TAFE’s assets (land and buildings). If these assets are sold it will transform the nation’s education estate, currently owned by all Australians into assets and collateral which can be traded on global financial markets. It will also have extreme impacts on the already overheated property market. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘NSW minister promotes TAFE report involving company raided by Federal Police’ SMH 20 April 2016 | Australian Careers Network praised in Boston 2015 report, under investigation by police for fraud as company folds. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | Federal government - Proposals Paper: Improving bankruptcy and insolvency laws National Innovation & Science Agenda (Treasury, Canberra) | This paper recommends: -reducing bankruptcy period from 3 years to 1 year These changes will enable directors of failed training colleges to re-establish after only 12 months. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Careers Australia to pay back $44 million’ SMH 16 May 2016 | Careers Australia Pty Ltd promoted sub-prime student loans. Its former head, Patrick McKendry was/is on numerous government boards influencing VET policy: Chairman of the National Quality Council (2006-9); Member, Skills and Training Taskforce, Qld (2012); Member International Education and Training Advisory Council, Qld (2014); Deputy Chair, Vocational Education and Training (VET) Advisory Board (2014-2015). |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Private College’s VET FEE-HELP loan scandal hit: $160 million and counting Financial Review, 21 May 2016 | ACCC orders Careers Australia to repay millions. Careers Australia owned by equity investor White Cloud Capital, London based with funds registered in the tax havens, Mauritius and Luxembourg. CEO & partner in White Cloud, Nicholas Watkins, and other company officers, Jonas Martin-Löf, Raoul Bocchi, Carlo Zuccharo, all worked for investment bank Lehman Brothers UK before it collapsed in 2008. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘$30m Indian bank transfer linked to vocational college scandal’ The Australian, 2 June 2016 | ACCC investigates Unique College assets frozen following international funds transfer |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Liquidators investigate collapse of CTM Training Solutions’ ABC News Online 6 June 2016 | National training company Queensland Govt claims overpayments made |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Ex-minister Dawkins misled Vocation group investors’ The Australian 29 September 2016 | John Dawkins, former Labor Minister and chair of Vocational Ltd accused by ASIC of misleading investors. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Vocational loans scheme scrapped, loans to be capped under major Turnbull government shake-up’ SMH 5 October 2016 | This basically means there will be a cap on how much shonky training colleges can rort from the Australian taxpayer. New scheme called VET Student Loans |
2016 | Lib-Nat | ‘Australian Institute of Professional Education collapses amid allegations of student loan rorts’ AFR Weekend 7 October 2016 | ASIC has accused AIPE of student loan rorts. AIPE has received over $200 million in government funding since 2013. |
2016 | Lib-Nat | “Coalition says price gap between private vocational trainers and Tafes ‘staggering’” The Guardian 24 October 2016 | Private colleges charging up to 10 times more than TAFE for courses. |